Compassion Challenges -Alex Clark

Challenger Profile


Alex Clark

Challenge Date:

6th-13th May 2023

My Challenge:

Ethiopia 2023




Sponsored Target:

Online Total: £180.00

Offline Total: £0.00

Gift Aid: £32.50

Through my work with Compassion, I have been privileged to see first hand the phenomenal difference Compassion's work makes to children living in extreme poverty (less than $2.15 per day). In May this year, I will be leading a challenge trip to Ethiopia for supporters who have signed up to take on a physical fundraising challenge whilst there. I've decided to sign up too and will be running my first ever marathon whilst out there.

I can't imagine my children growing up without access to education, healthcare, enough food to eat or a roof over their heads. My kids have the freedom to dream about whatever future they want, and the opportunity to fulfill their God given potential. why should anyone else's child be denied the same right?

I would love it if you could consider sponsoring me, or better still, sponsor a child (a decision you will never regret!) and play your part in bringing hope to children in poverty. As a family we have been sponsoring Gideon & Jennifer for several years now. They are a part of our family and it is amazing to see the difference Compassion is making in their lives, and the lives of their families.

Thank you for your support


Donation of £10.00 by Anonymous

Yeah maybe don’t do that again

Donation of £50.00 by Tony Smith

Thinking of you

Donation of £20.00 by Hannah Pickett

Donation of £50.00 by Andy Grosvenor

Best of luck

Donation of £30.00 by Cara & Ben

Good luck! Rather you than me, thank you for your passion and drive to help ☺️

Donation of £20.00 by Lesley Exall