Compassion Challenges -Amy Holt

Challenger Profile


Amy Holt

Challenge Date:


My Challenge:

To walk 26.2 miles in the Rwandan heat.


(The entire trip is self funded by myself, all money raised through sponsorship, raffles and quiz night will go directly to support the work of Compassion as detailed below.)




Sponsored Target:

Online Total: £2,829.00

Offline Total: £420.00

Gift Aid: £190.03

A 36 year old (31st March 2019) about to embark on my first major challenge!


I am both excited and nervous at the same time. 26.2 miles is a loooooong way!

I am taking part because the trip was in Rwanda. Why do I want to go to Rwanda... because I have two sponsored children there.


I am ultimately going to Rwanda to meet my girls Umurerwa (the photo above is her first and current photo) & Akeza who are both 18 and will soon be completing their education, also I have the amazing opportunity to see Compassion's work for myself after 14 years of raving what a priveledge it is to support such a honest and faithful charity and I get to raise a load of money in the process from YOU my wonderful family and friends for Compassion.


I have sponsored Umurerwa for 9 years now and Akeza for 6 months, this opportunity came up where I can visit Rwanda to see my girls, get fit and healthy (I have lost 1 stone 9.5lbs since October when my training started) and raise money for a charity I absolutely adore and support wholeheartedly.


I have 7 children whom I sponsor through Compassion, I write to and have a relationship with each of them. I am excited that I will be able to meet Umurerwa and Akeza in June!


What your money will be supporting:




LOCATION 6 communities in eastern Rwanda


PARTICIPANTS 34 Child Survival mothers and their families (173 people in total, 107 children)


COST £110,469 expected budget (£3,249 per home)


A home should be a place of refuge. For 34 families in Rwanda this couldn’t be further from the truth. Each one of them lives in a shelter that struggles to remain standing in heavy rains or strong winds. Many of them go to sleep not knowing if the structure will collapse on top of them.


Now imagine raising a newborn in this environment.


With all of the 34 families living in rural locations and unable to find the income necessary to cover the rent of their existing houses, the rising costs of building material makes it impossible for them to change their situations on their own.


Unfair. Beyond belief. Whatever we call it, we know its not right.


Together, we will change this.


For just £3,249, we will provide each family with their own three-bedroom home, containing a sitting room, with another smaller building housing the bathroom, toilet and kitchen.


You will support these families with a home that will transform their lives.


So often schooling is the first thing that is missed when health and security problems affect a child. Without a safe home, children in the 34 families regularly miss school due to illness, a lack of sleep or having to help their parents find another place to live. But we know that education has the power to transform a child’s future. For the children, a new home will bring a new hope that life will be different.


The expected outcomes of this intervention are:

*34 Child Survival families will have homes free from the risk of disasters

*Safety, peace and health are promoted through improved housing conditions

*Fear and hopelessness are eradicated amongst 34 families


By supporting the construction of new homes you’re radically changing the futures of 34 families currently trapped in the desperate cycle of poverty.


Update 07/03/19

I am also heading to Kenya on Sunday 16th June and I'll be meeting my longest sponsored child May and also meeting my boy Shavu.

Again the whole trip is self funded and all monies raised are all being donated to the 34 homes!

Love you for supporting me. Blessed beyond measure. Thank you!!!


Donation of £375.00 by Amy Holt

Quiz Night Fundraising

Donation of £222.00 by Various

Ali Cawood £5.00 Grace Cooper £20.00 Jo Wilson £10.00 Ali Jordan £20.00 Laura £10.00 Kim £10.00 Tim C £1.00 Katie W £10.00 Hannah M £5.00 Hannah O £3.00 Em £3.00 Gill £1.00 Kevin N £2.00 Debbie P £2.00 Pete £5.00 James W £5.00 Mum £5.00 Thomas £10.00 Jean £10.00 Zatun Suleman £3.00 Mish £3.00 Jeff H £4.00 Jenny £3.00 Mary £5.00 Charis £3.00 Kevin F £5.00 Amy £59.00

Donation of £100.00 by Various

Marion £10, Mona £26, Gill B £10, Kim £10, Jeoff H £4, Chris E £10, Russ £20, Laura £10

Donation of £40.00 by Various

Jeff M £10, Kevin F £10, Alan CJ £10, John G £10

Donation of £35.00 by Various

NH Raffle: Angela £5, Josh £5, Ben H £5, Richard H £5, Dan P £5, Bryn £5, Katie B £5

Donation of £142.00 by Various

Sponsor: Matty £20, Cindy £2 NH Raffle: Julia £5, Michael O'B £5, Nicol £10, Gez £5, Matt D £5, Keith D £5, Stephen R £5, Steph £5, Shaun £5, Darren C £5, Rachel L £5, Pete W £5, Gary H £5, Rob H £5, Mark P £5, Owen £5, Andy E £5, Mark C £5, Teresa £5, Simon M £5, Matt T £5, Julie D £5, Jo K £5

Donation of £233.00 by Various

Collins £52, Julie £60, Katie £26, Carol £30, Lisa £5, Pete and Tracey £20, Jenny £10, Hydes £20, Borlands £10

Donation of £5.00 by Han & Stu

Yay a house! So amazing. Proud of your determination. God is good xx

Donation of £10.00 by Thomas Jewkes

Donation of £1.90 by Anonymous

Donation of £20.00 by Ali Jordan

Well sone on your fantastic achievement so far Amy. You are a true inspiration and I feel privileged to call you my friend. Loads of love Ali xxx

Donation of £10.00 by Jo Wilson

You’re nearly there! Well done x

Donation of £20.00 by Grace Cooper

You go girl xxx

Donation of £5.00 by Alison Cawood

Hope you can raise your remaining funds 😘 x

Donation of £80.00 by Various

NH Raffle: Jonathan O £20 Richard J £15 Em £5 Pete G £5 James W £5 Roy £20 Jeff H £5 Simon B £5

Donation of £200.00 by ICC Keresley

Donation of £114.00 by Various

Donations: Mauldwyn £26 NH Raffle: Craig £20 Raffle: Hannah £10, Nix £8, Sarah H £1, Gary G £5, Rachel L £5, Terry £1, Jo K £2, Mark P £2, Teresa £1, Karen £2, Richard £2, Jeff M £5, Debbie £5, Ian £5, John £10, Sue H £2, Sam S £2

Donation of £131.00 by Various

Donations: Barbara £20, Michelle £20, Eileen £10, Karen £10, Wendy £10 Raffle: Mandy £10, James £5, Ed £2, Michelle £2, Lesley £3, Linda R £5, Chris C £3, Michael O £5, Reece S £1 NH Raffle: Em £5, Phil £5, Michelle £5, Kevin £5, Dave W £5

Donation of £100.00 by John Hart

Donation of £50.00 by Anonymous

Well done Amy. Keep up the good work!

Donation of £10.00 by Anonymous

Good luck with your Snowdon walk xxx

Donation of £15.00 by Rebekah Jones


Donation of £10.00 by Christine Cross


Donation of £100.00 by Anonymous

Well done - I am in awe!

Donation of £30.00 by Tim Mills

What an awesome experience! Go for it! Be blessed. Love Gemma & Tim

Donation of £10.00 by Elly Woodhead

Hope all goes well Amy! Thinking of you xx

Donation of £10.00 by Anthony McCurry

Good Luck Amy!!

Donation of £26.20 by Stephen & Kathryn Dunham

Makes a nice change to be following your marathon progress!

Donation of £10.00 by EILISH HAMILTON


Donation of £20.00 by Jo Wilson

Safe travels Amy. What an amazing experience

Donation of £26.20 by Mark Bricknell

Fantastic thing to be doing. I am sure you will smash it. Good luck!! xx

Donation of £20.00 by Ali Jordan

What a fantastic idea Amy. Yoh are a true inspiration and your compassion and kindness are second to none. I wish I could afford to give more, but sadly I've not been at work for quite a while and finances are very low. Best of luck with everything sweetheart and I'll be thinking of you and the children. Lots of love. Ali xxx

Donation of £20.00 by Anonymous

Good luck Amy! X

Donation of £20.00 by Ann Holt

Good luck with your walk,love from mom Holt.

Donation of £10.00 by Charis Palmer-Howe

Donation of £40.00 by Tony and Jean Jessiman


Donation of £15.00 by Bev and Rachel Matthews

Raffle Bev £5.00 Rachel Matthews £10.00

Donation of £12.00 by Harbie, Stan, Katie, Nathan

Raffle Stan £1.00 Harbie £1.00 Katie £5.00 Nathan £5.00

Donation of £50.00 by Jean Armsby

As they say 'You Go Girl'. Enjoy your challenge

Donation of £65.50 by Alison, John & Walter

You'll be amazing & we're so proud of you! Your godson will be cheering you on in spirit 😅😍 x

Donation of £10.00 by Craig Kielys

NH Raffle

Donation of £5.00 by Jonny Kielys

NH Raffle

Donation of £5.00 by Peter Garrison

NH Raffle

Donation of £5.00 by Richard Morris

NH Raffle

Donation of £10.00 by Eleri Williams

Good Luck Amy!

Donation of £25.00 by Steph

Belated Happy Birthday!

Donation of £10.00 by Craig and Laura


Donation of £30.00 by Anonymous

Happy Birthday 😘

Donation of £16.00 by Richard Jones

Jonesclan Saturday Tickets & Food 2x Adult 2x Child

Donation of £12.00 by John and Suzy Pearson

For Saturday night and food!

Donation of £5.00 by Helen Harris

Raffle money x

Donation of £20.00 by Helen Harris

Good luck Amy - what a great challenge for a great cause xxx

Donation of £30.00 by Adam Willis

Happy birthday Amy, and good luck with the challenge! Enjoy your party too xx

Donation of £5.00 by Jimmy

For Raffle Tickets Good luck Amy :)

Donation of £15.00 by Alison Cawood

For raffle tickets, hope i win & you raise lots on 30/3 for Compassion 😁 x

Donation of £20.00 by Anonymous

Happy Birthday, Amy. Hope you have a wonderful Rwandan adventure!

Donation of £10.00 by Emily Harwood

Raffle Tickets

Donation of £22.00 by Warwickshire County Council

Just to say 'thank you', for all your hard work.

Donation of £25.00 by Emily Rootes

Good luck Amy... sending you lots of faith, trust and pixy dust ✨💫⭐️

Donation of £5.00 by Zoe Hurst

Wishing you the best of luck xx

Donation of £26.20 by Jen

Absolutely fantastic effort, Amy! Enjoy the training and what I’m sure will be a trip of a lifetime. X

Donation of £25.00 by Jon

Go Amy!

Donation of £15.00 by Julie S

Donation of £64.00 by Anonymous

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