Compassion Challenges -David Jaggs

Challenger Profile


David Jaggs

Challenge Date:

25th May 2017




Sponsored Target:

Online Total: £720.00

Offline Total: £0.00

Gift Aid: £150.00

Originally from New Zealand, I love the outdoors, hiking, climbing mountains and anything that challenges my limits. I've never climbed anywhere near this high before so can't wait for this exciting challenge and opportunity!

I have been incredibly blessed to be able to travel and see some incredible parts of the world and this opportunity is one I just couldn't pass up!

I am also doing this for those that don't have as many opportunities and hopefully by doing this c


Donation of £20.00 by Anonymous

Well done Dave!

Donation of £30.00 by Sarah Jaggs

Good work Dave! Go hard :-)

Donation of £80.00 by FWD Ladies

We hope you have a fantastic time On your inspiring and brave journey Enjoy each step of the climb We need to see evidence of you conquer Kili ! Best wishes, we will try keep things at bay whilst you're gone! FWD Ladies x

Donation of £80.00 by Lucie & Maurice

Good luck Dave! We will be thinking of you!

Donation of £100.00 by Wayno Got Gammo

Good luck Dave! I am sure it will be amazing. And I still think this is a great excuse to do some "charity" ;)

Donation of £100.00 by Zoe Baker

Good luck Dave! This will be an amazing accomplishment, enjoy the journey to the top, and the sense of achievement, and the views when you get there.

Donation of £10.00 by James Kargbo

Go for it David. Looking forward to seeing pics!!!

Donation of £100.00 by Anonymous

Donation of £50.00 by Team Hodder

You're a hero Dave - go and be a blessing! "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news"

Donation of £20.00 by Alexis White

You are an inspiration Jaggsy!

Donation of £30.00 by G&N

Have 'African' good time!

Donation of £100.00 by Anonymous