Compassion Challenges -Andy Weir

Challenger Profile


Andy Weir

Challenge Date:

1st-30th September 2021

My Challenge:

I'm challenging myself to run at least 5k or cycle at least 30k everyday in September and in doing so, I will give £10 each day to charity. I'm inviting you to join me in supporting the challenge.

Daily updates on Instagram:

Track movement on Strava:




Sponsored Target:

Online Total: £0.00

Offline Total: £400.00

Gift Aid: £0.00


Since I stopped commuting to work, my time for activity has been limited. I’ve found it tough to make time in the midst of all the other things that need done.

As I started a new job two weeks ago, and the kids went back to school, I thought there would be more rhythm and space to get moving more.

It’s been a bit of a struggle to get motivated, I guess. As well as there always being something else to do.

Then there’s all the things going on that I can feeL a bit powerless to impact.

Well; for each of the next thirty days I’ll either run at least 5k or cycle at least 20k. And I’ll put £10 in the jar for charity each day. If I miss a day; the donation trebles.

More here:

“Everybody is broken

Everybody breaks

But these bones will walk again”

There’s a lot of good things happening in the world. There’s also a lot of broken people too. But all is not lost. Nope, I believe that the broken can be restored, that the lost can be found and that those in need can be lifted up. The quote above is from Martin Smith in a song paraphrasing an old Hebrew prophet.

Three things have been on my heart recently;

- Human trafficking

- Child poverty

- Humanitarian relief for people in Afghanistan

We can often feel powerless when we see change needs to happen. Sometimes we can feel powerless in making change in our lives too.

There’s real people who need help and while I’m not always in a position to go and physically do that; I am blessed to be in a position to help fund those who can.

The question is, will you care – and will you join me?


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