Compassion Challenges -Caroline Barton

Challenger Profile


Caroline Barton

Challenge Date:

21st April 2024

My Challenge:

London Marathon 2024




Sponsored Target:

Online Total: £2,820.64

Offline Total: £75.00

Gift Aid: £349.66

I started running during the first lockdown of Covid and never in my wildest dreams thought it would go much beyond couch to 5k, but having managed a couple of half marathon distance runs I thought why not go for it and make it count. Having supported Compassion nearly all my adult life I count it an absolute privilege to run on behalf of this charity and very much look forward to the challenge set before me.

I am more the tortoise than the hare at 54! but am determined I will gently make my way to the finishing line with Gods help ????

I am taking part in this challenge to raise funds for Compassion. Compassion educate, feed and support children and their families in underprivileged areas throughout the world. We can have a positive influence on these young lives if we join together in supporting this charity. Without an education their future is near hopeless but through Compassions sponsorships and donations young lives have been changed forever, many have grown into adulthood with good qualifications and managed to become professionals in their field and this in turn enables them to support their families and give back.


Donation of £112.00 by Card donations from quiz/auction night

Donation of £82.00 by Walton Parish church

Donation of £26.00 by Anonymous

Congratulations Caroline!! You are one awesome woman!! Love Maria xx

Donation of £20.00 by Suzanne Inder

Well done Caroline, what an achievement!

Donation of £20.00 by Tony & Mel

Well done Caroline

Donation of £10.00 by Rachel

Well done Caroline, and such a great cause xx

Donation of £20.00 by Rita and Ian

Great stuff for an amazing cause, keep putting one foot in front of the other! Cheering you on.

Donation of £20.00 by Katrina Roche

Good luck Caroline- shall be looking out for you at mile 9

Donation of £10.00 by Anonymous

Donation of £80.00 by Clive and Paula Ackroyd

Go Caroline! You can do it!

Donation of £50.00 by Jackie Baker

You can do it Caroline !!!!!

Donation of £150.00 by Anonymous

Will be praying for you on Sunday... so proud of what you have achieved Caroline. Love you loads xx

Donation of £10.00 by Andrea Williams

Absolutely amazing Caroline. We will be cheering you on on Sunday! All the very best. X

Donation of £26.20 by Del n Sarah Taylor

Well done, and good luck. Will be thinking of you and praying for you!

Donation of £20.00 by Elaine vidler

Youve worked so hard for this Caroline! Xxx

Donation of £30.00 by Anonymous

Donation of £10.00 by Dawn

Good luck Caroline. You’re an inspiration x

Donation of £20.00 by Nigel and Rowena

All the very best to you! You’ve got this!

Donation of £20.00 by Anonymous

Well done. You've got this!!!

Donation of £100.00 by Conrad and Kerryanne

So proud of you dear Caroline, you've trained well, eaten well and are prepared. Now time to enjoy it, run your own race and know that we are cheering you on xxxx

Donation of £100.00 by Chris and Ruth

You are inspirational, keep going you’re nearly there! We bless you to do well!

Donation of £50.00 by Anonymous

Well done Caroline for all you’ve achieved so far, that’s amazing. What better cause is there in changing a child’s life in giving them love, hope and a future. God bless you as you run next week. X

Donation of £10.00 by Jo Chrysostomou

Good luck Caroline! All your training will have put you in a great place. Enjoy it 😊 xx

Donation of £20.00 by Patsy and Pauline O’Flaherty

Donation of £10.00 by DEAN BRIDGE

You’ve got this mate. I will be watching on the telly the 21st and them ‘race day trainers’ better stand out in the crowd so I can see you. Xxx

Donation of £10.00 by Louise Savage

Wishing you all the best running for such a great charity.

Donation of £5.00 by Noah

Good luck

Donation of £20.00 by Elaine Addey

Good luck Caroline, my goodness I admire you!! Your old Dartmouth neighbours xx

Donation of £75.00 by Lynn Watson

Donation of £552.00 by Quiz night + Auction cash

Thank you to everyone who came to the quiz and auction evening on Saturday 6th. Total cash received for tickets and auction was £552 There were also a number of card machine donations via our church account to be added in due course.

Donation of £20.00 by Deborah and Karl Stone

Great charity and praying for you during your training and the big event. Blessings Karl and Deborah. Amazing!

Donation of £20.00 by Helena Marilican

Congratulations Caroline. You're an inspiration! God bless you. We are all praying for you and rooting for you xx Helena, Matias and Ali

Donation of £10.00 by Christina daw

You can do it

Donation of £50.00 by Anonymous

Will be rooting for you!

Donation of £15.00 by Karen and Alan Hillard

Good Luck!

Donation of £10.00 by Emma Menzies

Good Luck! You inspire me x

Donation of £20.00 by Rae

Go for it, well done Caroline. Xxxxxx

Donation of £100.00 by Pat & Jane Doyle

Donation of £50.00 by Aunty June

Donation of £10.00 by Louise Viljoen

You're powered by beetroot now, so you'll smash it! X

Donation of £40.00 by Carol & Alec Anderson

Donation of £50.00 by Anonymous

You are amazing! God bless you 🙂

Donation of £52.44 by Anonymous

Think you are truly amazing taking on this challenge - keep up with the training 🙂

Donation of £20.00 by Lee Beardsmore

Huge well done Caroline. Just amazing! Xx

Donation of £20.00 by Gilly Fowler

You’re a total inspiration Caroline. You’ll smash this. Lots of love.

Donation of £50.00 by Julie Bryant

Go girl !!! Wishing you a fantastic successful day God bless❤️

Donation of £50.00 by Anonymous

Inspiring lady

Donation of £20.00 by Claires mucky mutts

Donation of £50.00 by Robin H

Full of respect and admiration Cazza! Just keep on going on!

Donation of £20.00 by Shelley, Andrew, William and Bella

We ran with you yesterday for a bit with 2 kids cycling. Just wanted to wish you best of luck with the training, you'll smash it!

Donation of £20.00 by Sophie Baker

Well done Caroline! Amazing work x

Donation of £10.00 by Hannah Baker

Your doing a fab job, well done. Good luck for the London marathon. You will smash it. X

Donation of £30.00 by Jane Weddell

Your doing great Cazza, keep up the hard work. I'd join you but I'm busy that day!!!!! Xx

Donation of £100.00 by Anonymous

So proud if you Caroline ❤️ xx

Donation of £20.00 by Jenny Breeze

Donation of £50.00 by Christine + Tony Baker

Donation of £10.00 by Paula sheppard

Wow well done Caroline, you are smashing this!! Xx

Donation of £30.00 by Maureen Rogers

Good luck your doing great ❤️

Donation of £25.00 by Anonymous

Donation of £15.00 by Madeline Lavers

All the best! Xx🏃‍♀️

Donation of £25.00 by Issy M

Geddon Caz! You’ll smash it! Lots of love xxxx

Donation of £30.00 by Jo james

All the very best x

Donation of £20.00 by Anonymous

Donation of £10.00 by Elaine vidler

What a amazing thing to do!!xx

Donation of £20.00 by Tarra Rooke

Well done Caroline. You’re going to smash it. T xx

Donation of £20.00 by Richard (Sue Doyle’s other half)

Good luck Caroline 👍🏼

Donation of £20.00 by Sue Doyle

Good luck you amazing lady xxx