Compassion Challenges -Linda McAnee

Challenger Profile


Linda McAnee

Challenge Date:

1st May 2024

My Challenge:

I’m walking across Togo for Compassion, without leaving Derry with my wee doggo Duke.

For me, this is a challenge that really matters because I sponsor a child in Togo through Compassion UK. The work that Compassion UK does for the young people of Togo is amazing and I want to continue to contribute to that.

Togo’s educational resources are limited. Many young people have access to few books and no internet. As a result, they can’t progress onto higher education and miss out on the stable income that a graduate job secures.

Compassion Togo is close to completing a youth resource centre in Togo’s capital Lomé. This will enable 500 young people to continue learning and pursue their dreams.

But it needs funding. That’s why I’m taking on Compassion UK’s Togo 100km Virtual Challenge.

Over the next three months, I will walk 100km around the streets of Derry.

I want to raise at least £1 for each kilometre I achieve. I know times are tough but really appreciate anything you can contribute.




Sponsored Target:

Online Total: £171.31

Offline Total: £0.00

Gift Aid: £13.75

I live in Derry and walk every day with my dog Duke, now I have a reason to get out, apart from tending to Duke's needs. The weather is getting better so there's nothing better than getting up early and out the door. Listening to the birds in the morning is something I love to hear.

I feel very strongly about Education and this is important for the young people in Togo. Providing resources for this is crucial. We think we have it bad here so you can imagine what it is like in Togo. Education creates opportunities for the young people to contribute to their society.


Donation of £15.00 by Colette Ramsey

Brilliant cause Linda -well done

Donation of £21.31 by Imogen Thompson

Donation of £25.00 by Kathleen Caldwell

Donation of £50.00 by Caroline Stark

Donation of £20.00 by Maureen and Cathal

Donation of £10.00 by Mgt O’C

No bother to you Linda!!

Donation of £10.00 by Anonymous

Well done Linda and Duke!!

Donation of £20.00 by Gerry Cassidy

Good luck Linda