Compassion Challenges -Caroline Kelly

Challenger Profile


Caroline Kelly

Challenge Date:

1st May 2024

My Challenge:

I’m running across Togo for Compassion, without leaving the UK! (shame!)

For me, this is a challenge that really matters because I’m passionate about the work of Compassion UK and lifting children out of poverty by giving the opportunity of education.

Togo’s educational resources are limited. Many young people have access to few books and no internet. As a result, they can’t progress onto higher education and miss out on the stable income that a graduate job secures.

Compassion Togo is close to completing a youth resource centre in Togo’s capital Lomé. This will enable 500 young people to continue learning and pursue their dreams. This centre will have computers, internet, books and many more items to equip the children with a chance in their lives!

But it needs funding. That’s why I’m taking on Compassion UK’s Togo 100km Virtual Challenge.

Over the next three months, I will run, walk and jog 100km. In the gym, around the park, through my streets, on dog walks and with my children! With my dodgy feet this won't always be easy, so I appreciate anyone whop stands with me and wills me on.

I want to raise at least £1 for each kilometre I achieve.

I’m up for the challenge. Will you help me cross the finishing line?




Sponsored Target:

Online Total: £125.00

Offline Total: £0.00

Gift Aid: £31.25

I have worked at Compassion for almost 2 years and I am passionate about the work that uplifts and encourages the children, but also their families and the community. Being witness to the incredible difference Compassion makes is part of my story and I want to share that story with as many people as I can!

I am a Mother to 3 children and a cute little doggy, so I am looking forward to include them on this challenge!

I spent some time in Zambia and saw how some schools in the remote villages incorporate the countrywide curriculum with the clear lack of equipment needed. Computer studies was carried out with teachers referencing a hand drawn picture of a computer on the wall. Typing skills were taught with students tapping on hand drawn keyboards and mouse pads. I have seen first hand how lack of equipment affects some childrens education and gives them an instant disadvantage to others. It sits deeply in my heart that all children should be equipped and if I can raise the message about poverty and how we can help, then I'm there!


Donation of £20.00 by Christine Kay

Keep going Caroline you'll make it

Donation of £20.00 by Liz Chapman

Donation of £15.00 by Debbie Beard

Keep up the good work Caroline. Not easy with your life working and with hubby 3 children & a dog. But many children aren't so fortune with education so hope my contribution however small will help towards your target & helping children. Love and Hugs Debbie Beard xx

Donation of £10.00 by Joanne Kay

Good luck Caroline 🤞🏼

Donation of £20.00 by Derry Clan

Well done Lovely 👏 We're cheering for you (and the rest of Team Kelly! 🐕) 🎉

Donation of £20.00 by Laura Jackson

Inspiring Caroline!

Donation of £10.00 by Sharon and Eric

We have faith in you, Caroline. You can do it! X

Donation of £10.00 by Tracy W

You're amazing Caroline! You will smash this challenge. Love you!