Compassion Challenges -Chris Fish

Challenger Profile


Chris Fish

Challenge Date:

1 October 2017

My Challenge:

Great Scottish Run - Half Marathon




Sponsored Target:

Online Total: £89.00

Offline Total: £0.00

Gift Aid: £22.25

I have miraculously recovered from a 22 year intravenous heroin & crack cocaine addiction along with alcoholism and prescription medication dependency. I couldn't cope with the devastation of loosing my family & children which took away the desire to go on, therefore resulting in the loss of my job, business, properties & assets etc.

This chaotic lifestyle gradually developed into lung decease, COPD, asthma, seizures, blackouts, pleurisy, internal bleeding, blood clots temporary blindness and various mental serious illnesses which led me to a bed ridden state barely unable to walk. I went from being a successful architect and business man to a tramp on the streets, 10 year ago I was on deaths door with 3 months to live. I found myself crying out to God for mercy from a squat in Teesside in 2012 which resulted in a born again Christian calling to my house the following day.

I am now totally free of every substance and have been completely healed of every sickness, mental illness and decease which has become a powerful a message of hope that nothing is impossible in Christ. I am now a new creation devoted to God and live for him now, reaching out to other people who are lost. My life has been restored and is continuing to get better, most importantly my children are getting to know truly how great their new earthy father is as well as how great their heavenly father is. I am dedicating this run also to raise sponsorship for children who have been a victim of exploitation, poverty and abuse, supported by Compassion.


Donation of £10.00 by Bryony fish

Donation of £15.00 by Anonymous

Well done for running the half marathon, and raising money for Compassion.

Donation of £25.00 by Anonymous

Donation of £5.00 by Anonymous

Well done Chris.

Donation of £9.00 by Jesus

Donation of £5.00 by Anonymous

May you be blessed by the farther up in heaven

Donation of £20.00 by Paul