Challenger Profile
Jaqueline & Janine Barber & Beckers
Challenge Date:
My Challenge:
Greenham 10K run
Sponsored Target:0
Online Total: £165.00
Offline Total: £0.00
Gift Aid: £41.25
Janine & I were inspired to support Kenyan children living in poverty. We heard Geoff Allwright talk about his Muskthalon Challenge via Compassion one Sunday at our Community Church. The scarcity of firewood means that there is no fuel to provide lighting in the evenings. Understandably any firewood is used as fuel for cooking. The children who go to school are not able to do homework as they have no light to study by. So raising money towards providing solar panels will make an enormous difference to the future of these children.
Please donate no matter how small to the purchase of solar panels, as an educated child means an escape from a life of poverty and to become a valued member of their communities.