Saturday 6th May: Leaving Heathrow to fly overnight to the beautiful city of Addis Ababa.
Sunday 7th May: Arrive in Addis Ababa. Visit church in the city.
Monday 8th May: Travel to our Challenge Location.
Tuesday 9th May:. Rural Project visit.
Wednesday 10th May: Host a Sports Day with Compassion Children and Families.
Thursday 11th May: Rest Day
Friday 12th May: CHALLENGE DAY.
Saturday 13th May: Urban project visit in Addis Ababa, cultural dinner & Travel back to Addis Ababa Airport for transfer back to the UK.

It's simple really. We want to help find sponsors for as many children living in poverty as possible. All we're asking you to do is tell people about Compassion and ask if they too will become a sponsor and release a child from poverty in Jesus' name.
We set every team member a target to find 10 new sponsors or fundraise £5,000 - or any combination of the two. (Every child sponsored counts as £500 towards yours total).
You should look at this as the minimum - we will give you lots of fundraising resources and ideas, and every additional pound you raise will also go towards supporting Compassion's transformational work.
Are you up for a life-changing adventure? Express your interest and ask questions through challenges@compassionuk.org or call Alex on 07714 363700